a difficult social reality hidden behind beauty

Despite the beauty of its landscapes, Madagascar remains one of the poorest countries on the planet. The political crisis which started in 2009 has stopped the economic development of the country. Social services such as education are not guaranteed. Children and the young people from poorer backgrounds are the most affected. ASED has been active on the island since 1994.


ASED in Madagascar

ASED’s initial projects enabled children to have access to school by providing them with school equipment and offering them meals at school.

Later, access to pre-school became a priority: the most deprived children, often roaming in the streets on their own since early childhood, experience great difficulties in integrating the school system.

ASED also helps adolescents who are totally disconnected from society and school. These young people have no qualifications and no perspectives, thus they fall into idleness and extreme poverty. « Second chance » schools provide them with the basic knowledge to develop local economic activities which in turn contribute to a local sustainable development.

aucun projet en cours

Completed projects

Improve access to primary school in Betafo

Construction of two classrooms at Andranomafana Primary School.

Empowerment of the Sembana Mijoro Center (CSM)

Empowerment of the Sembana Mijoro Center – Establishment of income-generating activities by young people with disabilities.

Mangily Agro-Forestry Center

Creation of the agro-forestry and ecotourism training center of the Mangily site.

Farm school of Tambohomandrevo

Strengthening the farm school of Tambohomandrevo (2012 – 2014).

A Bonne Ecole in Nosy

Pre-schooling of the children of Nosy-Varika. The project started with pre-school classes and year after year new classes were added to eventually cover the entire primary cycle
(2009 – 2015).

A Bonne Ecole in Tana

Pre-schooling for the children of Tananarive (2010 – 2014).