Access to education and training leading to social integration remains a struggle for children and young people living in precarious conditions. Those with disabilities are stigmatized, literally left out in the cold, and mostly excluded from the education system. In low- and middle-income countries, only 42% of girls and 51% of boys with disabilities complete primary school*. The lack of a social safety net means that most children drop out of school and, when they can, are forced to work to survive.  

Logistically speaking, many schools remain inaccessible to a child in a wheelchair. Where they do exist, teaching materials are often inadequate, and teachers are ill-prepared to deal with these pupils, leading to poor assessments: a child may be thought to lack the necessary level of ability, even though he or she suffers from sight or hearing problems. 

Not to mention that the obstacles start outside school: lack of access to care and therapy – too far away, too expensive or non-existent. In many cases, this affects their schooling. Prejudice and taboos add to the long list of obstacles to schooling for children with disabilities.

In this context, it is essential to be aware of all these factors and to act in a comprehensive and creative way. The programs supported by ASED are adapted to this young audience with a strong focus on inclusion. The emphasis is on encounters and diversity. This can mean buying buses so that young people with disabilities can explore their village or neighborhood, or opening up their school to other children. For example, when classes are over, some specialized centers open their doors to neighboring children so that they can take part in extra-curricular activities with their disabled peers – dances, arts and crafts, sports, games… It’s also an opportunity for parents to meet, exchange ideas and learn to better understand and support their children’s disabilities.

Every effort is made to ensure that children with disabilities are integrated into their community, gain independence and develop with dignity.

*Source Unicef

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