Strengthening the administrative management of the Champagnat College in Kandi – ASEDStrengthening the administrative management of the Champagnat College in Kandi – ASED

Strengthening the administrative management of the Champagnat College in Kandi


Kandi, North Benin


In Benin, all children do not have access to school and moreover, the quality of education is very bad. Classes are overcrowded and teachers are poorly trained. The situation is even more difficult in the north of the country, considered a remote area. In partnership with ASED, the Life for All Foundation has set up the Champagnat College in Kandi which provides quality education accessible to all. The minimum infrastructure to deliver quality secondary education up to the baccalaureate is now operational. Strengthening the operations by improving the efficiency of the administrative management of the College will greatly increase the return on these investments.


The Life for All Foundation works in education, youth integration and health in Northern Benin. It has set up several services that belong to it and evolve towards independence.