An organic garden in the centre “Le Pont”

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Many out-of-school or early school leavers lack the skills needed to secure employment, support themselves and hope to escape poverty.
Burkina Faso is also a pioneer country in West Africa in the field of agro-ecology, a growing field that can offer not only a livelihood for young people, but also access to quality food, especially in the urban areas of Ouagadougou.
In 2019, LePréau.LIVE set up the training centre “Le Pont” which aims to develop and highlight the social skills of young people between 15 and 20 years old in difficult situations and without qualifications in order to promote their integration into the professional world.
The centre targets in particular girl mothers and children and young people in street situations in Ouagadougou, particularly vulnerable young people. The training, beyond the learning of new technical skills, aims above all to help young people regain self-confidence and self-worth in order to be better able to succeed in their socio-professional integration.
The Project Partner is LePreau.LIVE (, a Burkinabe non-profit organization. Its mission is to work for the sustainable improvement of living conditions and the development of young people and other vulnerable groups by intervening in the fields of education, vocational training and apprenticeship in Ouagadougou.
The association relies on committed people convinced of the social values of mutual aid and solidarity. It operates thanks to the commitment of about fifteen qualified volunteers who wish to be agents of positive change in their society.
LePréau.LIVE also works, through its trainings, in the waste recycling sector and is very conscious of the environmental impact of its actions.
LePréau.LIVE aims to develop the social skills of disadvantaged young people, restore their self-confidence, connect them with potential employers and enable them to contribute to the development of their society.
The association works in partnership with :
. local authorities, in particular town halls. The town halls and their social services refer young people in difficult situations wishing to train to the Préau.
. private companies with which it has partnership agreements to support the beneficiaries of the projects.
. other local and international associations fighting against poverty and for the improvement of the living conditions of young people in Ouagadougou.
This networking is essential for the proper implementation of projects and to mutualise and maximise the impact of the actions carried out.
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